
A list of actually decent, actually used AND appreciated in the industry C++ libraries
- Boost - One of the most highly regarded and expertly designed C++ library projects in the world.
- Nonius - A C++ micro-benchmarking framework.
Language interop
- pybind11 - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python.
- Sol2 - Header-only C++ library binding to Lua.
- cppformat - An open-source formatting library for C++. It can be used as a safe alternative to printf or as a fast alternative to IOStreams.
- date - A date and time library based on the C++11 (and beyond)
header. It also handles timezones. - range-v3 - Range algorithms for C++11 (and beyond).
- Catch - A modern, C++-native, header-only, framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD.
- Clang-Format - Highly integratable C/C++/Java/JavaScript/Objective-C/Protobuf code formatter from the Clang team.
- valgrind - A programming tool for memory debugging, memory leak detection, and profiling.
- MSYS2 - provide support to facilitate using the bash shell, Autotools, revision control systems and the like for building native Windows applications using MinGW-w64 toolchains.
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